Organizace Fight Night Entertainment pořádala první akci 7. 11. 2008 pod názvem 'FNE - Fight Night Round 1' (Bellingham Sportsplex, Bellingham, Washington, United States).
Do dnešního dne uspořádala celkem 14 akcí (USA).
Organizace Fight Night Entertainment pořádala první akci 7. 11. 2008 pod názvem 'FNE - Fight Night Round 1' (Bellingham Sportsplex, Bellingham, Washington, United States).
Do dnešního dne uspořádala celkem 14 akcí (USA).
Datum | Země | Název, adresa |
19.11.2011 | FNE - Round 17: Clash at the College Skagit Valley College Athletic Center, Mount Vernon, Washington, United States | |
13.8.2011 | FNE - Round 16: Combat at the Cabaret Swinomish Casino, Anacortes, Washington, United States | |
9.7.2011 | FNE - Round 15: Armed Forces Meydenbauer Convention Center, Bellevue, Washington, United States | |
2.4.2011 | FNE - Round 14: Combat at the Cabaret Swinomish Casino, Anacortes, Washington, United States | |
11.3.2011 | FNE - Round 13: Impact Whatcom Community College, Bellingham, Washington, United States | |
14.1.2011 | FNE - Round 12: Combat at the Cabaret Swinomish Casino, Anacortes, Washington, United States | |
8.10.2010 | FNE - Round 11: Combat at the Cabaret Swinomish Casino, Anacortes, Washington, United States | |
27.8.2010 | FNE - Round 10: Rage at the River Nooksack River Casino, Deming, Washington, United States | |
23.7.2010 | FNE - Round 9: Battle by the Bay Swinomish Casino, Anacortes, Washington, United States | |
11.6.2010 | FNE - Round 8: Caged Warriors Nooksack River Casino, Deming, Washington, United States | |
24.7.2009 | FNE - Round 4: Independence Day Bellingham Sportsplex, Bellingham, Washington, United States | |
15.5.2009 | FNE - Round 3: The Fury Bellingham Sportsplex, Bellingham, Washington, United States | |
27.3.2009 | FNE - Round 2: The Explosion Bellingham Sportsplex, Bellingham, Washington, United States | |
7.11.2008 | FNE - Fight Night Round 1 Bellingham Sportsplex, Bellingham, Washington, United States | |
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