Organizace Hero Fighting Championship pořádala první akci 21. 6. 2013 pod názvem 'Hero FC - Pride of the Valley 2' (Pharr Events Center, Pharr, Texas, United States).

Do dnešního dne uspořádala celkem 8 akcí (USA).

DatumZeměNázev, adresa
26.9.2015USAHero FC - Best of the Best 6
El Paso County Coliseum, Texas, United States
6.6.2015USAHero FC - Best of the Best 5
Fort Brown Memorial Center, Brownsville, Texas, United States
17.1.2015USAHero FC - Best of the Best 4
Fort Brown Memorial Center, Brownsville, Texas, United States
12.9.2014USAHero FC - Best of the Best 3
Jacob Brown Auditorium, Brownsville, Texas, United States
14.6.2014USAHero FC - Best of the Best 2
Commemorative Airforce Museum, Brownsville, Texas, United States
1.2.2014USAHero FC - Best of the Best 1
Fair Park, Harlingen, Texas, United States
28.9.2013USAHero FC - Texas Pride
Montage Event Center, Beaumont, Texas, United States
21.6.2013USAHero FC - Pride of the Valley 2
Pharr Events Center, Pharr, Texas, United States
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