Organizace Rise of the Prospects pořádala první akci 5. 3. 2022 pod názvem 'Rise of the Prospects - Cage Series 1' (Rialto Theatre, Tucson, Arizona, United States).

Do dnešního dne uspořádala celkem 9 akcí (USA).

DatumZeměNázev, adresa
15.11.2025USARise of the Prospects - Cage Series 10
Tucson, Arizona, United States
17.5.2025USARise of the Prospects - Cage Series 9
Tucson, Arizona, United States
28.2.2025USARise of the Prospects - Cage Series 8
Yuma, Arizona, United States
2.11.2024USARise of the Prospects - Cage Series 7
The Rialto Theater, Tucson, Arizona, United States
6.4.2024USARise of the Prospects - Cage Series 6
The Rialto Theater, Tucson, Arizona, United States
2.2.2024USARise of the Prospects - MMA Fight Night Live
Marine Corps Air Station Yuma, Yuma, Arizona, United States
4.11.2023USARise of the Prospects - Cage Series 5
Rialto Theatre, Tucson, Arizona, United States
8.4.2023USARise of the Prospects - Cage Series 4
The Rialto Theatre, Tucson, Arizona, United States
5.11.2022USARise of the Prospects - Cage Series 3
Rialto Theatre, Tucson, Arizona, United States
9.7.2022USARise of the Prospects - Cage Series 2
Rialto Theatre, Tucson, Arizona, United States
5.3.2022USARise of the Prospects - Cage Series 1
Rialto Theatre, Tucson, Arizona, United States
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